Sunday, April 19, 2009

PCN withdrawal

i feel so sad right now cause of PCN. i had so much fun with the cast and crew, and now that the play is over things are gonna be different. i'll miss blockings, fun times with people, and so much more. it's like the feeling after graduation, and the next thing to come is the summer after it which is boring and depressing. i am so bored with my life, PCN gave me something to do, something really worth doing, but now i'll probably be back to my old unproductive self. the old lonesome kid who always stay in his room, who does nothing, but play computer games aimlessly. i don't know what to say anymore. i'll probably get over this feeling soon, but for now i'll be sad. i never knew it would hit me this hard to be honest cause i took everything for granted, but now i regret that i did.

i'll miss all of the people i worked with during PCN especially those that i might not see as much again, so i guess that success comes with a price.

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